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Build the Docker image

Create docker image

When your project is properly configured (cf. project configuration), PESTO can build a docker image containing a running web service.

If your project path is PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT = /path/to/your/workspace/xxx-service you can build it using :

pesto build {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT}

It creates a packaged docker image:


PESTO Profiles (Advanced)

In order to accommodate for different hardware targets or slight variations of the same process to deploy, PESTO has a built-in capabilities called profiles.

Basically, PESTO profiles is a list of ordered strings (ex: gpu, stateless) whose .json files in build/api folders sequentially update the base file.

To use them, simply add the list of profiles to your PESTO commands:

pesto build {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT} -p gpu stateless

It creates a new packaged docker image specific to the profiles:


The details of profiles usage are explained in pesto build section.

Adding a GPU profile

In order to create an image with GPU support, we can complete the proposed profile gpu. The file requirements.gpu.json can be updated as follows (ex: gpu compliant pytorch image):

  "environments": {},
  "requirements": {},
  "dockerBaseImage": "pytorch/pytorch:1.5-cuda10.1-cudnn7-runtime"

You can now build your GPU enabled microservice :

pesto build {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT} -p gpu

It creates a new packaged docker image of the algorithm able to run on GPU:


Nvidia drivers

If you have a computer with nvidia drivers & a gpu you can try to run

pesto build {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT} -p gpu
pesto test {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT} -p gpu --nvidia
It should do the same as above but with gpu support (and actually run the process on gpu).

Multiple algorithm versions

The algorithm process is implemented in the algorithm/ with the Process class (see configuration).

If multiple version of an algorithm must be maintained, it is advised to :

  • Create multiple python implementation of the Process class (one per file)
  • In the main algorithm/, select the proper implementation of Process to import

The following is an example using pesto profiles to switch from one algorithm to another at build time. schemagen compatible, or not

Create algorithm/, algorithm/, algorithm/, each with it own implementation of the Process class.

Use the pesto.common.pesto.Pesto.is_profile_active() to check the current profile (see check profile).

from pesto.common.pesto import Pesto

if Pesto.is_profile_active('v1'):
    from algorithm import process_v1
    Process = process_v1.Process
elif Pesto.is_profile_active('v2'):
    from algorithm import process_v2
    Process = process_v2.Process
    from algorithm import process_v3
    Process = process_v3.Process

At the build time, it is possible to build one docker image per algorithm version:

pesto build {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT} -p v1
pesto build {PESTO_PROJECT_ROOT} -p v2

It creates the two packaged docker images of the algorithm versions:
